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帮考网校2020-10-13 16:17



一、In schools and universities, girls tend to choose arts while boys like science. What are the reasons for this trend and do you think this tendency should be changed?

It is undeniable that scientific domains of study seem to be preferred by schoolboys whilst schoolgirls are inclined to show fancy for ones related to arts. From my perspective, several reasons could explain this tendency and it should undergo a change.

There are two main causes responsible for the difference in subject selections between boys and girls. First and foremost, it derives from natural strengths of each gender. It is an inescapable fact male students are better at rational and logical thinking in science; hence, they reveal preference for mathematical and physical realms while the other sex may be more emotional and sensitive to have advantages in perceiving arts or languages. Equally importantly, the traditional belief is another contributing factor deciding that divergence. In fact, a number of parents orientate their girls towards the choice of artistic fields to become elegant and their sons to pursue science subjects for their future career.

I believe that there is a necessity to change the aforementioned trend. Both male and female children should be encouraged to find the right balance between arts and science subjects. Several scientific studies prove that learning arts could boost childrens creativity and imagination power, enabling them to get insight into scientific subjects with greater efficiency; meanwhile, majors namely maths or physics also generate opportunities for female learners to develop their left brain and enhance problem-solving competences. Furthermore, as regards numerous female students who have a flair for maths and engineering, forcing them to specialize in artistic scopes may produce counterproductive outcomes. This compulsion is likely to cause resentment and negative attitudes towards their study, followed by low levels of academic performance.

To conclude, that girls prefer arts but boys tend to choose science subjects for education could be justified for several above-mentioned reasons. Nonetheless, I argue for a change of this situation.

二、Due to the new technologies and the internet radio is going to disappear in a few years. Do you agree or disagree with the statement?

We have made a rapid advancement in the field of technology and managed to even surpass our own expectations. Gone are the days when pigeons were used for communication. Mobile phones and the internet are the new dimensions of our space and time. While new technologies are heading towards us with a jet speed, the old ones are disappearing even faster.

Just after its invention, the radio was used primarily for communication in the armies and the navies. However, in recent times, radio is being used in wireless technology like mobile communication etc. We are at a time when the internet has made information easily accessible. From news to songs, one can easily get whatever they like on the internet in an instant. Whereas, they have to wait if they want to hear something on the radio.

Although the internet provides everything instantaneously, there is much more fun in listening to the RJ in the local language, giving news and other fun talks. There is a personal connection while talking with the RJ and explaining problems. And then, there is always a surprise element. Radio is also the best thing you can turn on sitting in your car.

Overall, in my opinion, even though various new technologies have taken over, radio is still a very tough contender and will take a long time to become dormant. People in this fast paced life often look out for personal connect, which radio provides.


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