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帮考网校2020-08-24 14:27


一、In our lab today, we\'ll be testing the hypothesis that babies can count as early as five months of age. The six babies here are all less than six months old. You\'ll be watching them on closed circuit TV and measuring their responses. The experiment is based on the well-established observation that babies stare longer if they don\'t see what they expect to see. First, we\'re going to let two dolls move slowly in front of the babies. The babies will see the two dolls disappear behind a screen. Your job is to record, in seconds, how long the babies stare at the dolls when the screen is removed. In the next stage, two dolls will again move in front of the babies and disappear. But then a third doll will follow. When the screen is removed, the babies will only see two dolls. If we\'re right, the babies will now stare longer because they expect three dolls but only see two. It seems remarkable to think that such young children can count. My own research has convinced me that they have this ability from birth. But whether they do or not, perhaps we should raise another question. Should we take advantage of this ability by teaching children mathematics at such a young age? They have great untapped potential, but is it good for parents to pressure young children?


1. hypothesis: n. plural hypotheses,[C]an idea that is suggested as a possible way of explaining a situation, proving an idea etc, which has not yet been shown to be true 假设,假说

2. closed circuit television (TV): a system in which cameras send pictures to television sets that is used in many public buildings to protect them from crime 闭路电视

3. well-established: adj. established for a long time and respected 历史悠久且享有盛誉的

4. untapped: adj. an untapped resource, market etc has not yet been used (资源、市场等)未开发的;未利用的

二、A lot of people in the United States are coffee drinkers. Over the last few years, a trend has been developing to introduce premium, specially blended coffees, known as "gourmet coffees" into the American market. Boston seems to have been the birthplace of this trend. In fact, major gourmet coffee merchants from other cities like Seattle and San Francisco came to Boston, where today they\'re engaged in a kind of "coffee war" with Boston\'s merchants. They are all competing for a significant share of the gourmet coffee market. Surprisingly, the competition among these leading gourmet coffee businesses will not hurt any of them. Experts predict that the gourmet coffee market in the United States is growing and will continue to grow, to the point that gourmet coffee will soon capture half of what is now a 1.5-million-dollar market and will be an 8-million-dollar market by 1999. Studies have shown that coffee drinkers who convert to gourmet coffee seldom go back to the regular brands found in supermarkets. As a result, these brands will be the real losers in the gourmet coffee competition.


1. premium: adj. of high quality 高级的,优质的

2. blended: adj. combined or mixed together so that the constituent parts are indistinguishable 混合的

3. gourmet: n. [C] someone who knows a lot about food and wine and who enjoys good food and wine 美食家

4. birthplace: n. [C usually singular]the place where someone was born, especially someone famous (尤指名人的)出生地;the place where something first started to happen or exist 发源地,发祥地


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