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帮考网校2021-09-16 11:47


Passage 1.

Well, if I could go back in history and live, I\\\'d like to go back to the 18th century and perhaps in colonial America in Yankee, New England, where one of my ancestors lived, because it was the beginning of something.

By the 18th century, there was a feeling of community that had grown. My ancestor was a preacher, traveling around the countryside. People lived in small communities. There were fishermen and farmers who provided fresh food that tasted and looked like food, unlike that in today\\\'s supermarkets, and there were small towns, and New York wasn\\\'t that far away. I\\\'m deeply attached to the Puritan tradition, not in a religious sense, but they believed in working for something, working for goals, and I like that.

They worked hard at whatever they did, but they had a sense of achievement. They believed in goodness in community and helping one another. I love the colonial fabrics, all the silver work, the furnishings, the combination of elegance and simplicity. I love it. The printing, the books, I\\\'m very attached to all that kind of thing that may not all be very entertaining in the modern sense of the world. But I would have enjoyed spending my evenings in that environment, discussing new ideas, building a new world. And I can see myself sitting on a small chair by the fire doing needlework.

Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.

Q19: Why does the speaker say she would like to go back and live in the 18th century America?

A) It was when her ancestors came to America.

B) People had plenty of land to cultivate then.

C) It marked the beginning of something new.

D) Everything was natural and genuine then.

答案:C) It marked the beginning of something new.

Q20: What does the speaker say about the Puritans?

A) They believed in working for goals. C) They had all kinds of entertainment.

B) They enjoyed living a life of ease. D) They were known to be creative.

20. A) They believed working for goals.

答案:What would the speaker like doing if she could go back to the past?

21.What would the speaker like doing if she could go back to the past?

A)Chatting with her ancestors.

B)Furnishing her country house.

C)Polishing all the silver work.

D)Doing needlework by the fire.

答案:D) Doing needlework by the fire.

Passage 2.

If you are lost in the woods, a little knowledge can turn what some people call a hardship into an enjoyable stay away from the troubles of modern society. When you think you are lost, sit down on a log, or a rock, or lean against a tree, and recite something that you have memorized, to bring you mind to a point where it’s under control. Don’t run blindly. If you must move, don’t follow a stream unless you know it, and in that case, you are not lost. Streams, normally flow through wetland before they reach a lake or a river. Though there are more eatable plants, there may also be wild animals, poisonous snakes, and other hazards. Many experts feel that it’s wisest to walk uphill. At the top of most hills and mountains, are trails leading back to civilization. If there are no trails, you are much easier to be seen on top of a hill, and you may even spot a highway, or a railroad from this point. Nowadays, the first way someone will search for you is by air. In a wetland, or in dense growth, you are very hard to spot. Anytime you go into the woods, somebody should know where you are going, and when you expect to return. Also, when someone comes looking, you should be able to signal to them.

Questions 22-25 are based on the passage you have just heard.

22. What does the speaker advise you to do first if you are lost in the woods?

A)Use a map to identify your location.

B)Call your family or friends for help.

C)Sit down and try to calm yourself.

D)Try to follow your footprints back.

答案:C) Sit down and try to calm yourself

23. What will happen if you follow an unknown stream in the woods?

A)You may find a way out without your knowing it.

B)You may expose yourself to unexpected dangers.

C)You may get drowned in a sudden flood.

D)You may end up entering a wonderland.

答案: B)You may expose yourself to unexpected dangers.

24. What do many experts think is the wisest thing to do if you are lost in the woods?

A)Look for food.

B)Wait patiently.

C)Start a fire.

D)Walk uphill.

答案:D)Walk uphill.

25. What should you do before you go into the woods?

A)Inform somebody of your plan.

B)Prepare enough food and drink.

C)Check the local weather.

D)Find a map and a compass.

答案:A) Inform somebody of your plan.


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