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帮考网校2020-10-24 15:24


1. In 1981, for the first time in over two decades, the average scores of high school students on standardized math and English tests did not decline. During the same year, millions of American students enjoyed their first exposure to the new world of the microcomputer, whether in schools, video arcades, or other settings. The conclusion is clear: far from stultifying the intellectual capacities of students, exposure to computers can actually enhance them.

The most serious weakness of the argument above is its failure to.

(A) discuss the underlying causes of the twenty-year decline in studentstest scores.

(B) cite specific figures documenting the increases in test scores.

(C) distinguish among the various types of computer being used by high school students.

(D) define the intellectual capacities tested by the standardized math and English tests referred to.

(E) explain exactly how high school studentsabilities on math and English tests could have been enhanced by exposure to computers.

Although its purpose is laudable, the exclusionary rule, which forbids a court to consider evidence seized in violation of the defendants constitutional rights, has unduly hampered law-enforcement efforts. Even when the rights violation was a minor or purely technical one, turning on a detail of procedure rather than on the abrogation of some fundamental liberty, and even when it has been clear that the police officers were acting in good faith, the evidence obtained has been considered tainted under this rule and may not even by introduced. In consequence, defendants who were undoubtedly guilty have been set free, perhaps to steal, rape, or murder again.

2. The author of the passage above assumes all of the following EXCEPT:

(A) The constitutional rights of criminal defendants should be protected.

(B) Most cases in which the exclusionary rule has been invoked have involved purely technical violations of constitutional principles.

(C) The number of cases whose outcome has been affected by the exclusionary rule is significant.

(D) Some of the defendants set free under the exclusionary rule have been guilty of serious criminal offenses.

(E) Merely technical violations of the rules concerning evidence should be treated differently from deliberate assaults upon human rights.

3. It can be inferred from the passage that the author would most likely endorse which of the following proposals?

(A) Change of the exclusionary rule to admit evidence obtained by police officers acting in good faith.

(B) A constitutional amendment curtailing some of the protections traditionally afforded those accused of a crime.

(C) A statute limiting the application of the exclusionary rule to cases involving minor criminal offenses.

(D) Change of the exclusionary rule to allow any evidence, no matter how obtained, to be introduced in court.

(E) A constitutional amendment allowing police officers to obtain vital evidence by any means necessary when in pursuit of a known criminal.

4. The postal service is badly mismanaged. Forty years ago, first-class letter delivery cost only three cents. Since then, the price has increased nearly tenfold, with an actual decrease in the speed and reliability of service.

Each of the following statements, if true, would tend to weaken the argument above EXCEPT:

(A) The volume of mail handled by the postal service has increased dramatically over the last forty years.

(B) Unprecedented increases in the cost of fuel for trucks and planes have put severe upward pressures on postal delivery costs.

(C) Private delivery services usually charge more than does the postal service for comparable delivery charges.

(D) The average delivery time for a first-class letter four decades ago was actually slightly longer than it is today.

(E) The average level of consumer prices overall has increased more than 300 percent over the last forty years.

5. When the government of a nation announced recently that a leader of the nations political opposition had died of a mysterious illness in prison, few seasoned observers of the regime were surprised. As the police captain in an old movie remarked when asked about the condition of a prisoner, Were trying to decide whether he committed suicide or died trying to escape.

The statements above invite which of the following conclusions?

(A) The opposition leader was probably killed trying to escape from prison.

(B) The opposition leader may not be dead at all.

(C) It is unlikely that the head of the regime knows the true cause of the opposition leaders death.

(D) The opposition leader probably killed himself.

(E) The regime very likely was responsible for the death of the opposition leader.


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