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帮考网校2020-04-06 18:44


1. Cancer is a group of many related diseases that begin in cells, the body's basic building blocks. The body is made up of many types of cells. Normally, cells grow and divide to produce more cells as they are needed to keep the body healthy. Sometimes, this orderly process goes wrong. New cells form when the body does not need them, and old cells do not die when they should. The extra cells form a mass of tissue called a growth or tumor(肿瘤). Benign(良性的) tumors are not cancer. They can often be removed and, in most cases, they do not come back. Malignant (恶性的) tumors are cancer. Cells in malignant tumors are abnormal and divide without control or order.
2. Scientists have learned that cancer is caused by changes in genes that normally control the growth and death of cells. Certain lifestyle and environmental factors can change some normal genes into genes that allow the growth of cancer. Many gene changes that lead to cancer are the result of tobacco use, diet, exposure to ultraviolet(紫外线的) radiation from the sun, or exposure to carcinogens (致症物) in the workplace or in the environment. Some gene alterations are inherited.
3. Cancer treatment can include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy(化疗), hormone therapy, and biological therapy. The doctor may use one method or a combination of methods, depending on the type and location of the cancer, whether the disease has spread, the patient's age and general health and other factors. Because treatment for cancer can also damage healthy cells and tissues, it often causes side effects. Patients and doctors generally discuss the treatment options, weighting the likely benefits of killing cancer cells and the risks of possible side effects.
4. Having cancer does not always mean having pain. Whether a patient has pain may depend on the type of cancer, the extent of the disease and the patient's tolerance for pain. Most pain occurs when the cancer grows and presses against bones, organs, or nerves. Pain may also be a side effect of treatment. However, pain can generally be relieved or reduced with prescription medicines or over - the - counter drugs recommended by the doctor.
Treatment for cancer may also bring about some ______.

A.side effects

B.prescription medicines

C.control or order

D.tolerance for pain

E.various factors

F.different genes


答案解析:本题有一定难度,需要认真寻找答案依据。答案依据在文章第三段倒数第二句话:Because treatment for cancer can also damage healthy cells and tissues, it often causes side effects. 谈到癌症治疗也会损害健康细胞和组织,会带来副作用,回来看选项,A项符合原文句意,是答案。

2、Parkinson's Disease
1. Parkinson's disease affects the way you move. It happens when there is a problem with certain nerve cells in the brain. Normally, these nerve cells make an important chemical called dopamine(多巴胺). Dopamine sends signals to the part of your brain that controls movement. It lets your muscles move smoothly and do what you want them to do. When you have Parkinson's, these nerve cells break down. Then you no longer have enough dopamine, and you have trouble moving the way you want to.
2. No one knows for sure what makes these nerve cells break down. But scientists are doing a lot of research to look for the answer. They are studying many possible causes, including aging and poisons in the environment. Abnormal genes seem to lead to Parkinson's disease in some people. But so far, there is not enough proof to show that it is always inherited.
3. Tremor (颤抖) may be the first symptom you notice. It is one of the most common signs of the disease, although not everyone has it. Tremor often starts in just one arm or leg or only on one side of the body. It may be worse when you are awake but not moving the affected arm or leg. It may get better when you move the limb or you are asleep. In time, Parkinson's affects muscles all through your body, so it can lead to problems like trouble swallowing or constipation(便秘) . In the later stages of the disease, a person with Parkinson's may have a fixed or blank expression, trouble speaking, and other problems. Some people also have a decrease in mental skills.
4. At this time, there is no cure for Parkinson's disease. But there are several types of medicines that can control the symptoms and make the disease easier to live with. You may not even need treatment if your symptoms are not obvious. Your doctor may wait to prescribe medicines until your symptoms start to get in the way of your daily life. Your doctor will adjust your medicines as your symptoms get worse. You may need to take several medicines to get the best results.
Paragraph 3 ______

A.Tips for Patients with the Disease

B.Common Treatment for the Disease

C.Means of Diagnosis of the Disease

D.Typical Symptoms of the Disease

E.Possible Causes of the Disease

F.Definition of Parkinson's Disease


答案解析:本题难度较大,没有明显的段落主旨句,需要较强的归纳概括能力。通读第三段可以发现,第三段主要讨论了颤抖、难以吞咽食物和便秘等帕金森病的几个症状,回来看选项,D项Typical Symptoms of the Disease,帕金森病的典型症状,简单概括了本段主要意思,是答案。

3、Acceptance of Chronic Illness
For chronically ill patients, giving up the hope that they will get better may actually lead to more happiness, U. S. researchers suggest.
"Hope is an important part of happiness, but there's a dark side of hope. Sometimes, if hope makes people put off getting on with their life, it can get in the way of happiness," Dr. Peter A. Ubel from the University of Michigan Health System said in a university news release.
He and his colleagues studied patients who'd just had a colostomy (结肠造口术), which means their colons (结肠) were removed and they had to have bowel (肠) movements in a pouch (小袋) outside the body. At the time of the surgery, some patients were told the procedure was reversible and they'd have a second operation in a few months to reconnect their bowels. Other patients were told the colostomy was permanent.
The patients were followed for six months, and the researchers found that those without hope of regaining normal bowel function were happier than those with reversible colostomies.
"We think they were happier because they got on with their life. They realized the cards they were dealt, and recognized that they had no choice but to play with those cards," Ubel said. "The other group was waiting for their colostomy to be reversed. They contrasted their current life with the life they hoped to lead, and didn't make the best of their current situation. "
The study, published in the November edition of Health Psychology, also may explain why people whose spouse dies often recover better emotionally over time than those who get divorced, the researchers said.
That's because people whose husband or wife dies have closure (结束), while those who get divorced may still have hope for some chance of making up, they explained.
What could be the message of the passage? ______【单选题】

A.Giving up hope means giving up happiness.

B.Letting go of hope sometimes is a better choice.

C.Hope is what makes people move on.

D.Hope frequently gets in the way of happiness.



4、Smoking Can Increase Depressive Symptoms in Teens
While some teenagers may puff on cigarettes to "self-medicate" against the blues, scientists at the University of Toronto and the University of Montreal have found that smoking may actually increasedepressive symptoms in some teens.
"This observational study is one of the few to examine the perceived ____ benefits of smoking among teens," says lead researcher Michael Chaiton, a research associate at the Ontario Tobacco Research Unit of the University of Toronto." Although cigarettes may appear to have self-medicating effects or to improve mood, in the long term we found that teens who started to smoke reported higher depressive symptoms. "
As part of the study, some 662 high school teenagers completed up to 20 questionnaires about their use of cigarettes to affect mood. Secondary schools were selected to provide a mix of French and English participants, urban and rural schools, and schools located in high, moderate and low socioeconomic neighborhoods. Participants were divided into three groups: never smokers; smokers who did not use cigarettes to self-medicate, improve mood or physical state; smokers who used cigarettes to self-medicate. Depressive symptoms were measured using a scale that asked how felt too fired to do things: had trouble going to sleep or staying asleep; felt unhappy, sad, or depressed; felt hopeless about the future; felt vexed, antsy or tense; and worried too much about things.
"Smokers who used cigarettes as mood improvers had higher risks of elevated depressive symptoms than teens who had never smoked," says co-researcher Jennifer O'Loughlin, a professor at the University of Montreal Department of Social and Preventive Medicine. "Our study found that teen smokers who reported emotional benefits from smoking are at higher risk of developing depressive symptoms."
The association between depression and smoking exists principally among teens that use cigarettes to feel better. "It's important to emphasize that depressive symptom scores were higher among teenagers who reported emotional benefits from smoking after they began to smoke," says Dr. Chaiton.







5、Importance of Children's Oral Health
February is National Children's Dental(牙齿的) Health Month, but in children good oral(口部的) care is critical every day. The first comprehensive study on the nation's oral health, released recently by the Office of the U. S. Surgeon General, calls dental and oral diseases a "silent epidemic (流行病)", even in children. The report states that more than 51 million school hours are lost each year to dental - related illness. In fact, a recent study pointed to dental care as the most common unmet health need among American children.
To help counter this, the American Academy of Periodontology (牙周病学) (AAP) is launching an effort to educate children and parents about the prevention of dental diseases in children.
"This is important because oral problems can impact self - esteem for children and lead to problems of eating, speaking and attending to learning," said Michael McGuire, president of the AAP.
Common dental problems seen in children are cavities (龋洞) and gingivitis (龈炎), which are found in the majority of U. S. children. "When these problems are not caught early and treated, they can develop into more severe problems and cause unnecessary suffering," said McGuire. "However, much of the time, oral problems are avoidable problems."
In the Rio Grande Valley in Texas, a group of more than 120 dentists(牙医) volunteers to deliver dental care to thousands of low - income children each year with its Mobile Dental Unit that travels from school to school.
"According to the Surgeon General's Report, about 37 percent of children have not had a dental visit before starting school," said McGuire. When children don't see dentists, they miss the opportunity to have problems caught early before they develop into larger, more expensive problems to treat, and parents miss the opportunity to learn how to promote good oral habits in their children.
Some children have never seen a dentist before starting school.【单选题】



C.Not mentioned


答案解析:本题难度不大,答案依据比较明显,带者题干信息词回文章定位,答案依据在文章最后一段第一句:…about 37 per cent of children have not had a dental visit before start ing school,谈到约37%的孩子上小学前从没看过牙医,所以本题和原文句意相符,答案是A。

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