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Part I Vocabulary and Structure (40 points)

Directions: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence.

1. The government has decided to ________ the tax on cigarettes to discourage smoking.
A. raise
B. rise
C. arise
D. arouse

2. The new manager is very ________ and always tries to motivate his staff to work harder.
A. inspiring
B. inspired
C. inspirational
D. inspire

3. The ________ of the new shopping mall will bring more business to the surrounding area.
A. establishment
B. establishment
C. establishing
D. established

4. The company is ________ to expand its business overseas in the next few years.
A. planning
B. planned
C. plan
D. plans

5. The government has launched a new ________ to reduce the number of traffic accidents.
A. campaign
B. camp
C. campus
D. camper

6. The new policy will have a major ________ on the education system in the country.
A. effect
B. affect
C. infect
D. defect

7. The company has decided to ________ a new product line to increase its revenue.
A. launch
B. lunch
C. lunge
D. lung

8. The company has a strict ________ policy that requires all employees to arrive on time.
A. punctual
B. punctuality
C. punctuate
D. puncture

9. The new CEO has a lot of ________ in the industry and is expected to lead the company to success.
A. experience
B. experiment
C. expert
D. expertise

10. The ________ of the new shopping mall will create many new job opportunities.
A. opening
B. open
C. opened
D. opens

11. The new product has been ________ received by consumers and is selling well.
A. good
B. well
C. better
D. best

12. The company has a strict ________ policy that prohibits any form of discrimination.
A. equal
B. equality
C. equate
D. equation

13. The company has decided to ________ its operations in the Asian market.
A. expand
B. expend
C. expense
D. expensive

14. The new software is very ________ and easy to use.
A. user-friendly
B. user-hostile
C. user-unfriendly
D. user-neutral

15. The company has a strong ________ to environmental protection and sustainability.
A. commitment
B. commit
C. commits
D. committed

16. The new product is expected to ________ a lot of interest from consumers.
A. generate
B. generator
C. generating
D. generated

17. The company has a strict ________ policy that requires all employees to dress professionally.
A. dress
B. dressed
C. dressing
D. dresses

18. The new policy will ________ the company's ability to compete in the market.
A. enhance
B. hinder
C. hinderance
D. enhanced

19. The company has decided to ________ its marketing efforts to reach a wider audience.
A. broaden
B. broad
C. broadly
D. broader

20. The new project is ________ to be completed by the end of the year.
A. expect
B. expected
C. expecting
D. expects

21. The company has a strict ________ policy that prohibits any form of harassment.
A. harassment
B. harass
C. harassed
D. harassing

22. The new policy will ________ the company's profitability in the long run.
A. improve
B. impair
C. impaired
D. improving

23. The company has a strong ________ to customer satisfaction and quality service.
A. dedication
B. dedicated
C. dedicate
D. dedicating

24. The new product is ________ to be a big success in the market.
A. potential
B. potent
C. potentially
D. potently

25. The company has decided to ________ its prices to remain competitive in the market.
A. lower
B. lowerer
C. lowered
D. lowering

26. The new policy will have a major ________ on the company's financial performance.
A. impact
B. impactable
C. impacted
D. impacting

27. The company has a strict ________ policy that requires all employees to follow safety procedures.
A. safety
B. safe
C. safely
D. safer

28. The new project is ________ to be completed on time and within budget.
A. confident
B. confidently
C. confidence
D. confide

29. The company has a strong ________ to innovation and new technology.
A. commitment
B. commit
C. committed
D. committing

30. The new policy will ________ the company's reputation in the industry.
A. enhance
B. hinder
C. hinderance
D. enhanced

31. The company has decided to ________ its advertising budget to reach more consumers.
A. increase
B. decreasing
C. decreased
D. decreases

32. The new product is ________ to be a game changer in the industry.
A. expect
B. expected
C. expecting
D. expects

33. The company has a strict ________ policy that requires all employees to maintain confidentiality.
A. confidential
B. confidentiality
C. confide
D. confided

34. The new policy will have a major ________ on the company's productivity and efficiency.
A. effect
B. affect
C. infect
D. defect

35. The company has a strong ________ to social responsibility and giving back to the community.
A. commitment
B. commit
C. committed
D. committing

36. The new project is ________ to be a major success for the company.
A. expect
B. expected
C. expecting
D. expects

37. The company has decided to ________ its operations in the European market.
A. expand
B. expend
C. expense
D. expensive

38. The new policy will ________ the company's ability to attract and retain top talent.
A. enhance
B. hinder
C. hinderance
D. enhanced

39. The company has a strict ________ policy that prohibits any form of corruption.
A. anti-corruption
B. corruption
C. corrupt
D. corrupted

40. The new product is ________ to be a major hit with consumers.
A. potential
B. potent
C. potentially
D. potently

Part II Reading Comprehension (60 points)

Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that fits best according to the information given in the passage.

Passage One

In the United States, there is a growing trend of people choosing to live in tiny houses. These homes are typically less than 500 square feet and are designed to be both functional and comfortable. While tiny houses are not for everyone, they offer many benefits to those who are willing to downsize their living space.

One of the main advantages of living in a tiny house is the reduced cost. Tiny houses are much cheaper than traditional homes, and they require less maintenance and upkeep. They also use less energy, which means lower utility bills. In addition, tiny houses are often built on trailers, which means they can be easily moved from one location to another.

Another advantage of tiny houses is the reduced environmental impact. These homes use fewer resources to build and maintain, which means they have a smaller carbon footprint. They also encourage people to live a simpler, more sustainable lifestyle by reducing their consumption and waste.

Despite the benefits, there are also some drawbacks to living in a tiny house. One of the biggest challenges is the lack of space. Tiny houses require careful organization and planning to make the most of the limited square footage. They also require a significant amount of downsizing, which can be difficult for people who are used to living with more possessions.

In addition, tiny houses are not always legal to live in full-time. Many cities and towns have zoning laws that require homes to be a certain size and have certain amenities. This can make it difficult for tiny house owners to find a place to park their homes and live in them legally.

41. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. Tiny houses are becoming more popular in the United States.
B. Tiny houses are the best option for everyone looking for a new home.
C. Tiny houses are cheaper, more sustainable, and easier to maintain than traditional homes.
D. Tiny houses are not always legal to live in full-time.

42. What is one of the main advantages of living in a tiny house?
A. Reduced space
B. Reduced cost
C. Reduced amenities
D. Reduced maintenance

43. What is one of the main challenges of living in a tiny house?
A. Lack of organization
B. Lack of planning
C. Lack of space
D. Lack of possessions

44. What is one reason why tiny houses are not always legal to live in full-time?
A. They use fewer resources to build and maintain.
B. They require a significant amount of downsizing.
C. They are often built on trailers.
D. Many cities and towns have zoning laws that require homes to be a certain size and have certain amenities.

45. What does the author suggest about people who are used to living with more possessions?
A. They will have no trouble downsizing to live in a tiny house.
B. They will need to be careful about organization and planning.
C. They will need to find a way to increase the square footage of their tiny house.
D. They will not be able to live in a tiny house legally.

Passage Two

In recent years, there has been a growing trend of people working from home. This shift in the traditional work environment has been made possible by advances in technology and changes in the way companies operate. While working from home offers many benefits, it also presents some challenges that need to be addressed.

One of the main advantages of working from home is the flexibility it offers. People who work from home can often set their own schedules and work at their own pace. This allows them to balance their work and personal lives more effectively, and can lead to increased job satisfaction and productivity.

Another advantage of working from home is the reduced commute time. People who work from home do not have to spend time and money commuting to and from work, which can be a significant source of stress and expense. This also means they have more time to spend with their families, pursue hobbies, or simply relax.

Despite the benefits, there are also some challenges to working from home. One of the biggest challenges is the lack of social interaction. People who work from home may feel isolated and disconnected from their colleagues and the company culture. This can lead to feelings of loneliness and decreased job satisfaction.

In addition, working from home requires a certain amount of self-discipline and motivation. People who work from home need to be able to manage their time effectively and stay focused on their work. This can be difficult for some people who are easily distracted or have trouble staying motivated.

46. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. Working from home is becoming more popular due to advances in technology and changes in the way companies operate.
B. Working from home is the best option for everyone looking for a new job.
C. Working from home offers many benefits, but also presents some challenges that need to be addressed.
D. Working from home is not a viable option for most people.

47. What is one of the main advantages of working from home?
A. Increased commute time
B. Increased job stress
C. Increased social interaction
D. Increased flexibility

48. What is one of the biggest challenges of working from home?
A. Lack of social interaction
B. Lack of flexibility
C. Lack of motivation
D. Lack of self-discipline

49. What is one reason why people who work from home may feel isolated and disconnected from their colleagues and the company culture?
A. They do not have to spend time and money commuting to and from work.
B. They have more time to spend with their families, pursue hobbies, or simply relax.
C. They do not have as much social interaction with colleagues as they would in a traditional office environment.
D. They have more flexibility to set their own schedules and work at their own pace.

50. What does the author suggest about people who work from home?
A. They do not need to be self-disciplined or motivated to be successful.
B. They are more likely to experience increased job stress and decreased productivity.
C. They need to be able to manage their time effectively and stay focused on their work.
D. They are not able to balance their work and personal lives effectively.

Passage Three

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in mindfulness meditation as a way to reduce stress and improve overall well-being. Mindfulness meditation involves focusing on the present moment and paying attention to thoughts and feelings without judgment. While mindfulness meditation is not a cure-all, it has been shown to have many benefits for those who practice it regularly.

One of the main benefits of mindfulness meditation is the reduction of stress and anxiety. By focusing on the present moment and letting go of worries about the future or regrets about the past, people who practice mindfulness meditation are able to reduce their stress levels and feel more relaxed and calm.

Another benefit of mindfulness meditation is the improvement of mental clarity and focus. By learning to pay attention to their thoughts and feelings without judgment, people who practice mindfulness meditation are able to develop greater awareness and focus, which can improve their ability to concentrate and make decisions.

Despite the benefits, there are also some challenges to practicing mindfulness meditation. One of the biggest challenges is finding the time and motivation to practice regularly. Mindfulness meditation requires a certain amount of dedication and commitment, and it can be difficult to find the time and energy to practice regularly.

In addition, some people may find it difficult to quiet their minds and focus on the present moment. This can be especially challenging for those who are used to multitasking or who have a lot of distractions in their daily lives.

51. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. Mindfulness meditation is a cure-all for reducing stress and improving overall well-being.
B. Mindfulness meditation is becoming less popular as people turn to other forms of stress reduction.
C. Mindfulness meditation has many benefits, but also presents some challenges to those who practice it.
D. Mindfulness meditation is not an effective way to reduce stress and improve overall well-being.

52. What is one of the main benefits of mindfulness meditation?
A. Increased stress and anxiety
B. Increased mental clutter
C. Increased mental clarity and focus
D. Increased distractions

53. What is one of the biggest challenges to practicing mindfulness meditation?
A. Finding the time and motivation to practice regularly
B. Finding the right meditation technique
C. Finding a quiet place to practice
D. Finding a meditation instructor

54. What is one reason why some people may find it difficult to quiet their minds and focus on the present moment?
A. They are used to multitasking or have a lot of distractions in their daily lives.
B. They have a lot of free time and are easily bored.
C. They do not have enough awareness or focus.
D. They are not motivated to practice regularly.

55. What does the author suggest about mindfulness meditation?
A. It is a cure-all for reducing stress and improving overall well-being.
B. It does not require any dedication or commitment to be effective.
C. It is not an effective way to improve mental clarity and focus.
D. It requires a certain amount of dedication and commitment, and it can be difficult to find the time and energy to practice regularly.

Passage Four

In recent years, there has been a growing concern about the impact

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