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帮考网校2022-02-21 17:04


1、Gunpowder was used extensively in firearms priort0 1990.【单选题】






答案解析:priorto:在……之前,与before意思相同;in: (表示时间)在……期间;around:大约;from:从……起。

2、Happy Marriage, Happy HeartHappily married people have lower blood pressure than unhappily married people orsingles, a Brigham Young University study says.On the other hand, even having a supportive social network did not translate into a blood pressure benefit forsingles orunhappily married people, according to the study."There seems to be some unique health benefits from marriage. It\'s not just being named ____ benefits health-what\'s really the most protective of health is having a happy marriage," study authorJulianne Holt Lunstad, a psychologist who specializes in relationships and health, said in a prepared statement.The study included 204 married and 99 single adults who wore portable blood - pressure monitors for24 hours. The monitors recorded blood pressure at random intervals and provided a total of about 72 readings."We wanted to capture participants\' blood pressure doing whatever they normally do in everyday life. Getting one ortwo readings in a clinic is not really representative of the fluctuations (波动) that occur throughout the day," Holt Lunstad said.Overall, happily married people scored four points lower on the blood pressure readings than single adults. The study also found that blood pressure among married people, especially those in happy marriages dropped more during sleep than in single people."Research has shown that people whose blood pressure remains high throughout the night are at much greater risk of heart disease than people whose blood pressure drops," Holt Lunstad said.The study was published in the March 20 issue of the journal Annals (年刊) of Behavioral Medicine.The study also found that unhappily married adults have higher blood pressure than both happily married and single adults.Holt Lunstad noted that married couples can encourage healthy habits in one another, such as eating a healthy diet and having regular doctorvisits. People in happy marriages also have a source of emotional support, she said. 【单选题】






答案解析:本题有点难度,考查强调句的用法,It is+被强调的部分+that/who+…,此处是强调事物,所以用代词that,答案是B。

3、Cancer1. Cancer is agroupof many related diseases that begin in cells, the body\'s basic building blocks. The body is made up of many types of cells. Normally, cells grow and divide to produce more cells as they are needed to keep the body healthy. Sometimes, this orderly process goes wrong. New cells form when the body does not need them, and old cells do not die when they should. The extra cells form a mass of tissue called a growth ortumor肿瘤). Benign(良性的) tumors are not cancer. They can often be removed and, in most cases, they do not come back. Malignant (恶性的) tumors are cancer. Cells in malignant tumors are abnormal and divide without control ororder.2. Scientists have learned that cancer is caused by changes in genes that normally control the growth and death of cells. Certain lifestyle and environmental factors can change some normal genes into genes that allow the growth of cancer. Many gene changes that lead to cancer are the result of tobacco use, diet, exposure to ultraviolet(紫外线的) radiation from the sun, orexposure to carcinogens (致症物) in the workplace orin the environment. Some gene alterations are inherited.3. Cancer treatment can include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy(化疗), hormone therapy, and biological therapy. The doctormay use one method ora combination of methods, depending on the type and location of the cancer, whether the disease has spread, the patient\'s age and general health and other factors. Because treatment forcancer can also damage healthy cells and tissues, it often causes side effects. Patients and doctors generally discuss the treatment options, weighting the likely benefits of killing cancer cells and the risks of possible side effects.4. Having cancer does not always mean having pain. Whether a patient has pain may depend on the type of cancer, the extent of the disease and the patient\'s tolerance forpain. Most pain occurs when the cancer grows and presses against bones, organs, ornerves. Pain may also be a side effect of treatment. However, pain can generally be relieved orreduced with prescription medicines orover - the - counter drugs recommended by the doctor.Paragraph 2 ______【单选题】

A.How is cancer treated?

B.Does cancer always cause pain?

C.Can cancer be prevented?

D.What is cancer?

E.How common is cancer?

F.What causes cancer?


答案解析:本题难度也不大,段落主旨句比较明显,是文章第二段的第一句,谈到科学家已查明癌症是由基因变化引起的,基因通常控制着细胞的生长和死亡,回来看选项,F项What causes cancer?简单概括了本段意思,是答案。

4、Smallpox virusIt\'s now a fair bet that we will never see the total extinction of the smallpox virus. The idea was to cap the glorious achievement of 1980, when smallpox was eradicated in the wild, by destroying the killer virus in the last two labs that are supposed to have it—one in the US and one in Russia. If smallpox had truly gone from the planet, what point was there in keeping these reserves?In reality, of course, it was naive to imagine that everyone would let go of such a potential weapon. Undoubtedly several nations still have a few vials. and the last “official” stocks of live virus bred mistrust of the US and Russia, forno obvious gain.Now American researchers have ____ an animal model of the human disease, opening the way fortests on new treatments and vaccines. So one again there\'s a good reason to keep the virus—just in case the disease puts in a reappearance.How do we deal with the mistrust of the US and Russia? Simple. Keep the virus under international auspices in a well-guarded UN laboratory that\'s open to all countries. The US will object, of course, just as it rejects a multilateral approach to just about everything. But it doesn\'t mean the idea is wrong. If the virus is useful, then let\'s make it the servant of all humanity—not just a part of it.【单选题】







5、Outside-the-classroom Learning Makes a Big DifferencePutting a bunch of college students in charge of a $300,000 Dance Marathon, fundraiser surely sounds a bit risky. When you consider the fact that the money is supposed to be given to. Children in need of medical care, you might call the idea crazy.Most student leaders don\'t want to spend a large amount of time on something they care little about, said 22-year-old University of Florida student Darren Heitner. He was the Dance Marathon\'s operations officer fortwo years.Yvonne Fangmeyer, directorof the student organization office at the University of Wisconsin, conducted a survey in February of students involved in campus organizations. She said the desire forfriendship was the most frequently cited reason forjoining.At large universities like Fangmeyer\'s, which has more than 40,000 students, the students, first of all, want to find a way to "belong in their own comer of campus".Katie Rowley, a Wisconsin senior, confirms the survey\'s findings. "I wanted to make the campus feel smaller by joining an organization where I could not only get involved on campus but also find agroupof friends. "All of this talk of friendship, however, does not mean that students aren\'t thinking about their resumes. "I think that a lot of people do join to \'fatten up their resume\'," said Heitner. "At the beginning of my college career, I joined a few of these organizations, hoping to get a start in my leadership roles. "But without passion student leaders can have a difficult time trying to weather the storms that come. Forexample, in April, several student organizations at Wisconsin teamed up foran event designed to educate students about homelessness and poverty. Student leaders had to face the problem of solving disagreements, moving the event because of rainy weather, and dealing with the university\'s complicated bureaucracy."Outside-of the classroom learning really makes a big difference," Fangmeyer said.American students join campus organizations mostly for____.【单选题】

A.making a difference

B.gaining experience

C.building friendship

D.improving their resumes


答案解析:答案可以从第三段找到。第三段是这么说的:威斯康星大学学生组织办公室主任Yvonne Fangmeyer在二月组织了一次学生参加校园组织的调查。她说,寻求友谊是最经常出现的理由。

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